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Growing your business is hard enough without trying to DIY your brand and website alone.
I love networking with other entrepreneurs, and often, when we get into talking about what’s going wrong and what’s going right in our businesses, lead generation comes up. Either they’re struggling to attract folks at all or the people they are attracting aren’t a great fit. Typically, when I dig a little bit deeper, I find that they haven’t invested a lot of time or resources into their branding and website.
While a robust and engaging social presence can go a long way toward helping you to qualify leads that are ready to convert, it takes a whole lot more consistent effort over a longer period of time to do that well. Whereas, an upfront investment in your brand and website can pay dividends for years to come, just running and humming along in the background (for the most part).
First, let’s level set on a definition of what a “ready-to-buy” lead is. To my mind, a ready-to-buy lead is one that has gone through all the phases of awareness and is ready to pull out their wallet to pay someone (or something) to solve their problem for them. So, real quickly, let’s run through the phases of awareness.
That “most aware” stage is the money maker. That’s where you want to help all your great-fit leads get. By building an elevated brand, crafting a high-converting website, generating new leads, and nurturing them to conversion. We’ll explore each of these steps below.
There are brands and then there are elevated brands. Many business owners start out with a hodge-podge DIY brand that fills a gap but probably doesn’t hit the mark entirely. And that’s totally fine! We all have to start somewhere, and in many cases, that means getting out in traffic and seeing what works.
However, when you’re ready to stop experimenting and start scaling (i.e., you’ve got a solid audience, you’ve developed an offer that works, and your delivery is top notch), there comes a point when a subpar brand and website just won’t support the lofty growth goals you’ve set for your business. An elevated brand sets you up for future success because it is premium, memorable, credible, consistent, and valuable.
The 5 Hallmarks of an Elevated Brand
There’s a popular adage in the online business community that says you don’t need a website to sell. And, while that’s probably true in the very beginning stages of your business, my belief is that it becomes less and less true the longer you’re in market and the higher your prices climb.
Your website is one of the first places most people will go to learn more about you. And you have about 0.05 seconds to convey that you are credible before they toggle away to go check out someone else’s site.
But if you can keep them sticking around for longer than that, your website can be one of your best (and least expensive) salespeople because, when you build it intentionally and strategically, it can help your customers move quickly through the stages of awareness.
Once you have an elevated brand and high-converting website, the next step is to generate those leads! In order for these assets to be as effective as possible, you’ve got to generate traffic to the places you’re showing up – whether that’s your website (blogging, podcasting, etc.), your social, or even in-person events.
4 Strategies for Generating Leads
There are a few routes you can go to get eyeballs on your elevated brand. This list offers a few examples.
Alright, you’ve got the elevated brand, the high-converting website, and the leads coming in. Now you’re ready to nurture those qualified leads into customers!
Really, this is all about consistency (which we’ve already covered above) and content. Make sure that your content feels personalized, relevant, and compelling for the audience you want to reach. If you’re not sure what your audience wants, ask them! Do a poll in your weekly newsletter or your Instagram stories. Do a little legwork to get under the hood and figure out what’s keeping them up at night. Then, generate content that adds value and makes them feel seen and heard.
A solid sales and closing strategy also makes sense here. But I’m not a sales strategist, so that’s where I’ll stop.
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