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Growing your business is hard enough without trying to DIY your brand and website alone.
These days, a small business’s website is more than just a digital storefront — it’s a platform for connecting with potential clients, building a brand, and showcasing your expertise. For service-based businesses, coaches, and consultants, a well-crafted website can be a potent tool for driving growth and ensuring longevity.
Imagine your website as the ultimate conversation starter; it’s a digital first impression that, when done well, can captivate your ideal clients and repel the wrong ones. In a matter of seconds, visitors decide whether it’s worth their time to investigate further or click away.
When I work with clients, we definitely talk through how the website will look and feel but we also get super strategic and specific in terms of how the website will function, what we want it to do, and how it will answer clients’ and potential clients’ most pressing questions. You see, building a website that converts requires a mix of memorable aesthetics, an easeful user experience, and thoughtful web copy that educates, inspires, and guides.
One way to think about planning this all out is through the lens of seven essential questions. As we discuss each one, I’ll highlight the key info your clients want to know, why the question is important and how to answer it effectively. By the end, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge and insights to transform your website into a client-converting machine.
A strategic website for small businesses can effectively answer the question “What’s your vibe?” by creating a cohesive and engaging online brand presence that reflects the business’s personality, values, and unique style.
Ultimately, it should create a harmonious blend of design, content, and functionality that immerses visitors in an online experience that authentically represents your brand’s personality and resonates with your target audience, building a lasting and memorable impression.
Your website can effectively answer the question “How can clients work with you?” by providing clear, detailed, and easily accessible information on the various ways clients can engage your services or purchase your products.
By carefully curating the following elements on your website, you provide potential clients with a clear roadmap on how they can work with you, making the process seamless and encouraging them to take that crucial next step towards becoming valued clients.
Answer the question “What are your qualifications?” by showcasing your expertise, credentials, and relevant experience throughout your site.
In doing so, you’ll give visitors a comprehensive and compelling overview of what makes you a trusted resource for them. Potential clients and partners will understand your expertise and how it aligns with their needs, helping you establish yourself as an authority in your field.
This question is a big one. Answer it by providing transparent pricing information, demonstrating the value you offer, and proactively sharing details about pricing.
By addressing pricing concerns transparently and showcasing the value you provide, your strategic website can help potential clients understand the investment they’re making and feel confident in the decision to work with you.
When you share insights into your client experience, showcase your approach, and give visitors a glimpse of what to expect, potential clients will gain a clear understanding of the journey they’ll embark upon and the valuable experiences they can gain from working with you.
Answer this question by highlighting your unique value proposition, showcasing your competitive advantages, and demonstrating your expertise and credibility.
By thoughtfully incorporating these strategies into your website, you can help clients choose you over your competition or another provider. Your website becomes a platform for demonstrating your value, expertise, and unique strengths, helping potential clients make a well-informed and confident decision.
Perhaps the most important of all the questions, if you have answered this question effectively, you’ll have removed friction from the buying process. That last thing you want to do is make it harder for clients eager to work with you to take the first step.
With the right elements on your website, the process becomes straightforward, reassuring, and user-friendly, encouraging more clients to get started.
The power of a well-designed and strategically structured website cannot be overstated. It acts as your digital spokesperson, available 24/7 to represent your brand, provide information, and establish credibility.
And when you answer the seven questions listed above, you’re going a long way toward helping your ideal clients realize that you are the best solution.
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