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Growing your business is hard enough without trying to DIY your brand and website alone.
There’s a lot of talk in the online business space that websites and branding are unnecessary for success. And while that may be true to a certain level, business owners who are ready to grow and scale to multiple six-figures or seven-figures and beyond must be willing to invest in these core elements.
I’ll be the first to tell early-stage entrepreneurs that they should not invest a huge amount of their budget on building a premium brand and website. Why? Because your business is growing and changing at such a rapid clip in the early days that you’re likely not totally decided on your offers, messaging, and audience.
That’s not to say that later-stage businesses can’t go through periods of growth and change, too. But, in my experience, it’s the newer businesses that are really working on determining what their long-term identity is going to be.
Typically, by the time you’ve solidly achieved low-multi-six figures in revenue, you know who your people are. You know what you’re offering. And you know why people buy it. This is really the sweet spot for building an elevated brand and website that will help you get to your next level.
As much as there are anomalies and outliers who can make a successful business without some of these foundational tools, they are the exception and not the rule. An overwhelming majority of consumers (83%) expect businesses to have a website but fewer than half (46%) of US-based small businesses actually do.
So, if you really want to carve out more market share, investing in your next-level brand and website can be a fantastic accelerator of growth.
What can an elevated brand and website actually do for your business? A bunch of things!
As I mentioned previously, there are a lot of folks yelling from the rooftops that you don’t need a brand and website to be successful. As a brand strategist and web designer, I think that’s a short-sighted generalization, though. I do agree that the DIY creation of your brand and website should not be a distraction from starting your business and getting out in traffic, I do think there’s a level where most businesses will plateau in their growth without these core elements.
There are two primary alternatives to building your brand and website I hear regularly — word of mouth marketing and social media.
Again, for early-stage business, I’m a huge proponent of the DIY brand and website. A minimally-viable product (MVP) can really get you quite a long way in your business growth journey.
But if you’re really looking to amp up the potential of your brand and website as you scale, there’s no substitute for working with an experienced, knowledgeable expert who can help you get the biggest bang for your buck.
Think about the things you outsource. Unless you have worked as a plumber in the past, when your toilet starts making a weird sound, you probably aren’t rolling up your sleeves to fix it yourself. You understand that there are limitations to your expertise and for certain jobs, you need to rely on the know-how of others more seasoned than you are.
For some reason, this logic doesn’t always translate in our minds to our branding and websites. Advances in technology have made the physical tasks associated with building these assets much easier (e.g., ChatGPT, Canva, Wix, etc.), but what you miss when you go the DIY route using this admittedly-awesome technologies is the experience and best practices that a professional strategist or designer brings.
Time is another reason to work with a professional. Any time you have to learn a new tool or skill, it’s going to eat up precious time. Especially for multi-six- and seven-figure plus business owners, you don’t have time to constantly teach yourself new tricks. Your time is better (and more profitably) spent elsewhere.
So, if you’ve got big growth goals for your business in the coming months and years, there are few investments you could make with the potential for a greater ROI than your brand and website. Take a moment to think about where you want to be this time next year and then determine how you can get there. I’ll wager your brand and website will play a large part in that trajectory.
Want a few resources to help you navigate this topic? Check out my guide to upgrading your brand and website.
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